How Puppy Develops

First Vet Visit

Preparing For Puppy

Start Puppy Off Right

House Training

Basic First Aid

Helpful Websites




To Do List:

Before your puppy comes home

1.Join Baxter and Bella Training Program 

We have worked very hard to start your puppy off on the right paw! BAXTER & Bella’s Online Puppy School provides a seamless transition from our home to yours by educating you how to train and interact with your puppy to get the best possible results. Not only will you learn the skills you need to be successful, but your puppy will learn incredible manners and behaviors as well! The program is set up for you to complete the first two units BEFORE your puppy comes home so we recommend signing up right away. Amy helps you set up your home, get your family all on the same page and teaches you exactly what to do the second your puppy arrives for optimal training success. Check it out at…


Click Here and enter SOT for discount



2 weeks before your puppy comes home

1. We will begin your puppy on dry kibble. I'll tell you which food we are weaning to do you can order. 

As your puppy grows up and you are switching foods away from puppy food look for a food with a lower fat content. Schnauzers are prone to pancreatitis. They recommend keeping the protein below 15%. You can always ask me if you need help. Royal Canin makes a adult formula specifically for schnauzers. We have several foods we do rotate through but will tell you what foods your puppy currently eating. 

2. Set up your vet appointment for 12 week old vaccines. 

3. Purchase a crate or exercise pet yard . This is a perfect set up. 

Pet Yard no gate

Metal pen with gate

See this set up video

4. Sign up for free Trupanion insurance when you receive my text with the  Trupanion info and our code.  May be done anytime anytime between now and go home day. Remember it is required in our contract. 
Check your pricing on Rain insurance. They have a 14 day wait period and charge 1 st month. 

6. We will be training your puppy to use a pee pad which holds a pee pad securely in place. 
We are using this one from Chewy 

Chews Frisco training pad


Contracts:  I will be sending out your health warranty and contract for you to e-sign from Breeder Cloud Pro the week before you pick up your puppy. PLEASE READ IT!!!  This is a legal document with information that you need to know.  It's not that long and only takes a few minutes to read.  And who knows....there might be a test on it when you pick up your puppy!! ;) Please print a copy for your records to add to your puppy packet for future reference.

Finial payment: Due by Cash only at pick up. If your puppy is being brought to you by our flight nanny, finial balances are due when flight booked. 

Goodies: Your puppy will come home with a "puppy pack".  You will find the insurance info, blankie, treats, a lovey and vet check documentation. Random goodies and packs can vary. 


Follow suggested amount. You can divide it into 2 feedings about 7 am and 5 pm. Your puppy has been eating dry food. 
I recommend making the last feeding no later than 6 pm.  That way your pup has time to digest and eliminate before bed.   

Water:  Remember, everything that goes in MUST and DOES come out.  Limiting water to certain times will help aid in potty training :)  Once they are potty trained, I leave a bowl of fresh water available at all times.

You can purchase water bottles for inside of the crate to avoid messes.

You may want to bring someone with you when picking up your puppy as well as some towels and fresh water (if you have a long drive).  They will go to the bathroom before leaving with you and I would recommend NOT stopping for a puppy potty break until you get home. 


Puppy Proofing your home:  

Before bringing your puppy home, you'll need to "puppy proof" your house. Puppies are like babies: they want to explore every corner of your house, and they want to put everything into their mouths.

Puppy proofing basics | Cesar's Way

The day has finally arrived: Your new bundle of fur is coming home! After a long search, you found the right puppy for you and your family — and now the preparation ...

Poisonous household items:

Make sure all poisonous household items are securely stored out of the puppy's reach. Place all household cleaners, insecticides, fertilizers, mothballs, antifreeze, insect poisons, rat poisons and other items in cabinets or on high shelves. Remember, as your new puppy grows, he will be able to explore higher places and be tempted to jump up on shelves.

Pet Poison | List of Pet Toxins for Dogs and Cats

Pet Poison Helpline is a 24-hour animal poison control service available throughout the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean for pet owners and veterinary professionals ...

Check your plants:

Many plants in and around your house can be harmful to your pup. Did you know that the pits of apricots and peaches, as well as spinach and tomato vines, can make your puppy sick and, in large dosages, can even be fatal? For a more complete list of plants that are dangerous to dogs, consult your veterinarian, or research the internet.

Poisonous Plants

Our handy list contains plants that have been reported as having systemic effects on animals and/or intense effects on the gastrointestinal tract.


Take a Puppy's-Eye View:

Get down on all fours and look around. Are there any dangling electric cords, loose nails, plastic bags or other tempting objects that will be in puppy's reach? If there are, be sure to put them away immediately.


Some Additional Tips:

• Never leave your puppy unsupervised inside or outside, and keep him off balconies, upper porches and high decks where he can slip through openings and fall.

• Unplug, remove or cover any electrical cords in your puppy's confinement area. It is also a good idea to cover electrical outlets, when they are not in use.

• Keep buttons, string, sewing needles, pins and other sharp objects out of your puppy's reach.


Make your  puppy vet appointment now.   If you don't have a vet, check with family and friends for a recommendation.  During this first visit it will allow you to familiarize yourself with the vet, have your puppy checked out and allows your vet to tell you his or her vaccination schedule.  DO NOT VACCINATE AT THIS APPOINTMENT!  IT WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY!!!!

 You will be sent home with the paperwork from my vet as well as the vaccinations your pup has received so your vet can see what shots have already been given and he/she can give you the follow up schedule.  Ask your vet about the risk of parvo in your area and things you need to be mindful of.  Your vet may want you to start heartworm and flea preventative.  Don't use Comfortis or Trifexis.  It can lead to adverse effects and death in some dogs.  Google "Trifexis adverse reactions in dogs" for more information. Using Trifexis or Comfortis will also void your health warranty!!  We recommend Advocate plain for flea prevention which also covers heartworms. You can purchase here from Australia without a prescription. 
Sierra Pet Meds



One last thing.  Spay and neuter of your puppy SHOULD NOT cost you $500+.  My vet changes me $100 to $200 depending on the weight of the dog.  I can not tell you how many times I have seen vets charging $500-600 for this simple, routine procedure.  CALL AROUND!  Emancipet charges $65 and they do these procedures ALL, DAY, LONG!  If you have any questions on this, please feel free to ask.  But i wanted you to know that you do NOT have to pay $500 for your spay/neuter.  Talk to your vet about this when you take your pup in.

Spaying or neutering helps keep your pet healthy longer, please do it as soon as possible.


The Car Ride Home
Remember that usually the puppy is not fed in the afternoon on the day she/he is going to her new home. This is to make her first car-ride less accident-prone. 

I would still recommend that you take a blanket, paper towels, and cleaning solution as accidents do happen! When bringing home a new puppy in the car, she/he may get car-sick and vomit -- it's her very first car ride (of thousands to come)! 
It's a good idea to have at least two people to go pick up the new puppy. That way, when bringing puppy home, one of you can drive, while the other can focus on her/him. I think it's ideal to sit in the backseat with the blanket on your lap, and the puppy on the blanket. I recommend this highly as the most optimal way to bring your puppy home (better than putting the puppy in a crate or in the back of an SUV, etc.). The puppy feels much more secure and comfortable this way.

Upon Arriving Home
As soon as you get home, take the puppy directly to the toileting area that you have pre-decided. Start getting them used to their daily routine . Use a particular word (such as "Get Busy", "Go Potty"). You will use this word consistently to train them. Be patient and give them plenty of time -- hopefully the puppy will need to relieve them self, and you will have your first toilet training success! Be sure to praise the puppy heartily!

Your puppy has been using a litterbox with us. See above for Litterbox link. 



Undoubtedly when people find out you are bringing puppy home, they will want to visit (I am one of those very people!) but politely tell them they can come in a few days (or weeks) -- the puppy will still be just as cute and a lot better adjusted.

Then take your new puppy into the house. Have them meet members of the immediate family. Other than that, please keep the number of people they meet to a minimum. Give your new baby a chance to become familiar with her family and her new home first before being inundated with visitors. 
Amidst all the excitement, don't forget to give your new puppy fresh water and food . Remember, he has probably needs to eat! Also remember to keep taking your puppy out at frequent intervals for her toileting needs.

Your puppy will be very excited about the new surroundings. She will want to explore and sniff around everywhere. As long as she has done her business before coming into the house, and as long as you have puppy proofed, you should be fine. No matter how much you have puppy-proofed beforehand, your puppy will assuredly be able to find ways to get into trouble! Make sure to follow them everywhere, and watch closely for signs of needing to potty. They are quick, they just squat without thought and go, just watch them and keep taking them back to their are. 

Unwinding And Settling Down
After the initial excitement of showing the puppy her home and new family, all of a sudden it hits you -- this puppy is home to stay 24/7! She doesn't understand anything, only their name ! It is darting around everywhere, and is trying to chew and eat everything in sight. They may have even had an accident or two. All your earlier puppy-proofing efforts seem like they made no difference at all.

Breathe! You are going to be just fine. Before you know it, it will be like your new puppy has always been with you. In the meanwhile, just remember that although she does not comprehend words, your puppy does understand more than you think. She/he can read expressions and understand tone/inflections. The doors of communication are indeed open -- use these to communicate effectively with them. With patience and consistency you will see that very soon she will learn the words as well. Thankfully, schnauzer puppies are incredibly smart.
 First Night Home:

This is your first night with puppy, but if you think you are the only nervous one, think again. From the puppy's point of view, this is the very first night she/he is spending away from their known surroundings and litter-mates. She/he doesn't know you yet, and as a result, will probably feel a bit lonely and nervous the first night. You are not the only one who is nervous after bringing home a new puppy!
So please remember to be patient with them. As I have mentioned elsewhere, a puppy is a little like a human infant, only a bit easier to manage. For instance, usually you don't need to spend innumerable sleepless nights after bring home a new puppy. But you will certainly have a few nights of interrupted sleep. 
 Keep her very close to you, next to the bed in her crate. Remember to take her out to relieve herself before they settle down for the night (see the toilet-training section or litter box info). After that, she/he should not have to go out for at least a few hours. If she/he whimpers or barks before that time, simply tap the top of the crate to indicate that she/he should be quiet. You can try techniques like patting them through the door of the crate, and talking to them and so on. My husband has had personal experience with lullabies working miracles at putting our puppies back to sleep! 
If your pup has been quiet, and after 3-4 hours she starts to whine or bark, then take her out to her designated toilet area. She/he needs to go. Her/his bladder is small and still adjusting to your timetable. Once she/he is done, she/he has to be put back into the crate for the rest of the night.
In the morning, everything is going to seem a lot brighter!

Daily Routine:

Before bringing your puppy home, I recommend that you give clear thought to the daily routine your puppy will have. You should chart out a daily routine with specific timings (like a time-table). This will keep it easy to structure his day. This will also be important to plan how your puppy will spend his time. Remember that if left alone to his own devices for too long, your puppy WILL get into trouble.
Plan his days right from the start – here are some questions to think about:

  Who will wake up in the morning to walk him, feed him and allow him to relieve himself? 

 Who will be with him throughout the day? To have someone with the puppy all the time is often difficult especially when the parent works. In that case, think about  what times in the day he must be alone and where will he be at that time. It is best not to leave a puppy alone for more than 2 hours at a stretch if possible unless you are  using the litter box. 

 What are his mealtimes? 

 How often can you allow him outside so that he can relieve himself? Who will let him out? 

 Where does he relieve himself? Best to have a marked -off, pre-designated space. 

 Where and with who will he sleep?

Taking the time to answer these questions and to map out the days of your puppy will allow you better understand the amount and type of care he needs. Also, this will give you an indication is you are indeed ready for a puppy BEFORE you actually bring the puppy home.
Often a plan like this forces you to recognize and reconcile any time conflicts. You can make any needed arrangements well before the actual need arises.


The Early Days:

After bringing home a new puppy you have made it through the first day. You are off to a great start, and this is just the beginning. 
The next few months of your puppy's life are tremendously precious and important. It is the time for the two of you to bond, and to lay the foundation for a long and fulfilling relationship. 

In broad terms, there is no substitute for spending time with your puppy now. It would be best if the primary caregiver of your Schnauzer puppy could take a week off after the puppy arrives home. This makes the puppy's transition into your home immeasurably easier, and you get to really know him very quickly. I realize that in our day-to-day busy lives, it is not always possible to spend time as we want. But to the extent that you can, you should make the effort. You puppy has been listening to music daily too, it helps soothe them. 

The puppy has just left the comfort of his mother and siblings and is exploring new territory. This is also the time when the puppy starts to learn about you as an owner, companion, friend, and parent. Use this time wisely. Make sure to devote plenty of time to play with the puppy -- helping promote a solid bond and foster a deep connection. This will be richly paid back to you once you see your puppy grow into a well-mannered, loving and devoted dog for life.

Visit the Vet
One of the most important things to do in the early days is to make an appointment with your vet.  The vet is a wonderful resource for all your questions/concerns. Make sure to take your puppy's vaccination record . As I mentioned before, I am not a vet – so please do consult the vet for any specific information you need.


Now let's get more specific. Below is a list of some common issues particular to owners of new puppies:

1. Toilet training -- a very important one from a practical perspective. Read what you can on potty training. Being consistent is they key and the puppy will finally catch on what they are expected to do. Accidents are your fault not the puppy's. 

2. Teething this can cause quite some pain (being chewed upon) and agitation (furniture destroyed) Pups can be mouthy while trying to cut teeth. Find them alternate things to chew. Some pups are more mouthy than others. I promise they will out grow it. 

3. Spaying/Neutering: Talk with your vet about the best time to spay or neuter.

4. Basic training -- Remember that it is never too early to start teaching basic commands -- puppies are shown to have adult-level brainwaves beginning at 7 weeks. So while his attention span is short, your puppy certainly has the ability to start learning now. 

5. Socializing -- Make sure you socialize your puppy really well. Expose your puppy to all kinds of people and animals, in different kinds of situations after it has had all it's shots. It is how that the puppy learns how to interact with his surroundings. I also recommend doggie daycare even once a week to interact with other people and dogs. 

There is some disagreement on when the puppy should be socialized with other dogs -- before or after his vaccinations. Some favor socialization shortly after bringing home a new puppy. They feel early socialization helps bring out the schnauzer puppy's personality, making her more outgoing and friendly. Those on the other side of the fence believe early socialization may be dangerous. The feel it is risky to expose the puppy to potentially serious diseases (such as Parvovirus).

Personally, I decided to take the middle road with my puppies. I did not take them to puppy class, walks or parks before completion of the vaccinations. But, I did have them socialize with several dogs on a one-on-one basis. These are dogs I personally know to be happy and healthy. There is, of course, still the small risk that those healthy dogs could still be a carrier of some diseases, but this was a measured risk that I felt okay with. Consult your vet and see what she thinks. What decision you ultimately take has to be one that you feel comfortable with.


Your puppy has not been used to wearing a collar. He may scratch at it and it may look like he is scratching his ears. He should get used to it in a couple of days.


Please don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything. 




See you soon!!



